Monday, November 29, 2010

Welcome to Evolution

Welcome to The American Pie! I’d like to take a moment to explain a little bit about how I became interested in politics, the goal and intent of this blog, and exactly how we’re going to evolve political discourse.
                I became interested in politics when I was about 16 years old after taking a World History class from a teacher who absolutely blew me away with the sheer amount of knowledge he possessed. In a quest to attain this knowledge about the world for myself, I began watching the news on a nightly basis. After getting myself acquainted with several different news networks, I found that I identified most with Democrats and Independent progressives. Nearly 10 years later, with a few views revised, I remain cautiously comfortable in the left-wing.
                However, in the years it has taken to officially label myself a political junkie I notice the discussion becoming increasingly partisan with every turn of the dime in our government. While I understand the reasons we’ve developed this two party system, I do not believe there are only two solutions to all of the problems we are currently facing as a nation.
                Objectivity seems to have been either lost or forgotten somewhere along the way when having political and policy discussions. It seems these days, every piece of legislation is subjected to a partisan filter in which every discussion either ends or begins with the political implications for the two major political parties. Objectivity is defined as impartiality, detachment, independence, and most importantly – neutrality.
                So how can I justify identifying with one political party while attempting to remain objective in my analysis? How can we learn to evolve our discussions from partisan politics to objective and constructive debate? I firmly believe in a scholarly approach. That is, being able to utilize the information that history, psychology, economics, and other accepted studies have given us to form an analysis based not upon opinion or personal beliefs or common consensus but rather, on fact. That is the sole purpose for which I have created The American Pie. Facts, my friends, do not have a liberal or conservative bias; they represent pure, unadulterated truths.
                Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I sincerely hope you will find the information and discussions here to be of value. I look forward to reading your comments and will try to reply to every one of them.

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