More by Me

Hey everyone and thanks for checking out The American Pie! Below you can find some of my other web pages and online projects. Check 'em out and let me know what you think!!! Thanks.

Moderates For America 
This is my independently run, non-financed, political 3rd party, startup campaign. Please check it out and let me know what you think! I think it's high time The People were back in The People's House. Fire the lawyer-Congresscritters and put citizens who love this country back in charge of it.

Follow Me on Twitter!
Sometimes, I even use it.

The Conspiracy Chronicles
Check out another one of my blogs, The Conspiracy Chronicles. While I'm aware this might be detrimental to my political credibility, I simply can't stop my fascination with all the conspiracy theories floating around out there, especially given that many of them are either political or economic in nature. Fact or Crap? You decide!

PolkaPop Worldwide
I've been doing affiliate marketing for almost a year now and have had my fair share of struggles with it. That is, until I found these guys. They literally take your hand and walk you through the process of setting up and earning money from your online ventures. I've had a ton of success with them so I feel great about promoting the program!!

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