Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Apparently, We Love Blowing Sh!t Up.

Read the Story Here:Operation Odyssey Dawn: U.S. Launches Military Strikes in Libya

On Saturday, March 19th, the U.S. launched an attack against Gadhafi's air defenses from an aircraft carrier stationed in the Medierranian Sea to protect the U.N. sanctined "no fly zone" around Libya. Missiles were launched in the name of "support operations" to protect French and other military air operations following numerous impositions of sanctions against Gadhafi and Libya.

I am SO MAD about this!!!! We shouldn't even have gotten involved in this in the first place. We have two other unsuccessful wars already in the region and if the U.N. wants to do something about Gadaffi, why are WE the ones footing the bill??

I know we fired 122 missiles...those missiles cost roughly $500,000 each.

That, my friends is = $61,000,000 total.

In other words, the cost of firing those missiles could have paid fully for yearly salaries and full benefits for 813 teachers!!!! We have got some seriously misplaced priorities when we'd rather bomb other countries than educate our own citizens.

Perhaps I would feel differently about this IF:

If we weren't so selective in deciding precisely who receives our support (think Sudan).

If we weren't fracking BROKE as a nation due to our military operations in the first place.

If we hadn't already lost so many of our soldiers in the past decade.

If we didn't already have two failing wars under our belt.

If the U.N. would foot part of the bill.

Now generally speaking, I am a huge human rights activist. However, I do not feel our involvement in the region is appropriate. I understand we have an interest in the outcome and that it would be prudent of us to help these revolutionaries as opposed to be on the receiving end of their resentment, if they are successful on their own, for supporting their tyrannical leaders in the first place. Every country has had a revolution and has been left to its own devices to sort out for themselves, a government that reflects the will and wishes of the people. By middling in that process, we are not allowing things to take their course and will end up resented for that anyway.

So why bother??

This is not an argument for intervention, but rather a damn good argument against it. If we had never bothered to take sides in these matters, we wouldn’t be back-peddling against our own current. I continue to think about all the self-sustaining, peaceful, nations who keep to themselves and only have excellent education, modern infrastructure, wonderful healthcare, and happy citizens who have some of the highest approval ratings of their government in the entire world, as a result.

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