Friday, January 14, 2011

An Open Letter...

Dear American Citizens:

We need to talk. It seems that somewhere along the way a misunderst­anding developed about the functional role of government in our lives and exactly what that means to us as patriots.

When we as a people developed this nation and asserted our independen­ce from Great Britan, we decided to form a centralize­d government to better organize and plan for our future as a great nation. In developing a central governance­, we also conceded that they should be responsibl­e for the collective direction of our future, as well as the safety and general welfare of its inhabitant­s.

It is important, necessary, and beneficial to have certain social safety nets in place that, in the very least, guarantee each and every one of us an equal starting opportunit­y. Things like social security, healthcare­/medicare/­medicaid, emergency services, health and human services, police, education, transporta­tion, medical and tech research, green energy; these are all important and necessary things that do, indeed, contribute to the betterment of our society as a whole and therefore, also to you as an individual­.

However, this notion that we can continue to expand services that are functional­ly necessary and beneficial without ever paying for them is, to put it mildly, ignorant and absurd.

We have a decision to make, America. We need to figure out if we're a nation that believes in equal opportunti­es for everyone, or if we are going to become a nation of individual­s who believes in darwinian, sink-or-sw­im, every man for himself. If we truely want to perpetuate the concept of an America where ANYONE can grow up to be president, then we need to stop acting like entitled children and pay for the services we receive in taxes, like grown-ass adults. And quit whining about it.

Miss Muffett of Huffington Post
Heather Wiegraffe


  1. Heather,

    Excellent, excellent, excellent!! Your words have truly struck a chord with me and have made me shamefully aware of my failures as a leftist blogger and champion of the disenchanted. I left my people hanging:-( The brilliance with which you write has compelled me to get back to work on Country As Cotton as soon as possible. Voices such as ours (yours especially!) need to be heard. We need more articulate and vocal leftist bloggers like you. Peace and blessings and send my best to the family!! Again great job!!

  2. Wow! Thank you so much for your kind words and generous compliments! This is what I love to do so it feels absolutely wonderful to get some positive feedback.
    Im so glad I was able to inspire you to continue work on your blog. We definetly need more intelligent people in the left-wing blogosphere. Im looking forward to reading some new material from you!
    Thank you again!
