Friday, December 16, 2011

Our Civil Liberties, May They Rest in Peace

I haven't visited or contributed to this blog in a long time, but I think it's of paramount importance that recent events be told.

Yesterday, 12/15/2011, Congress approved a bill that would allow for the indefinite detention of American citizens who were considered to be terrorists, aiding terrorists, or other enemies of the state.

Shortly thereafter, a group known simply as "Anonymous" released a video detailing the dire consequences of this bill:

After seeing this very chilling and eerie video, I, like a loon, became very curious about the origin and nature of the group who released it. As they say, curiosity killed the cat.

I somehow, through my poking around, stumbled onto a site detailing press releases from "Anonymous" and from there, somehow found the main site where this group meets.

I'm detailing my experiences here, so that you, and those whom I already know are reading may know I, as an individual, am not a threat, am not associated with this group, and have no information further than what can be accessed by anyone else online.

After finding this site, I found further information. Again, I bit, and pursued.

I watched several videos by the group Anonymous, and from there, watched many videos posted by one simply known as wellaware1. These videos, very convincingly, make the case that:

- Many of the worldwide revolutions have been staged.

- Many of the child disappearances have been staged - what percentage of them, no one knows.

- The #occupy movement is staged, and is a sham. This hurts me to say, as I was a very big supporter, and honestly thought we had touched a string for a peaceful grassroots movement to instigate fundamental change. This is not so. And the evidence is hard to deny.

As of this morning, after poking my nose around in places I'm sure it shouldn't have been:

- I have several new suspect characters stalking my political contributions online from several sources. (Yes, I noticed.)

- I've noticed a long string of strangely consistent hits on this blog, even though its been months since I've written on it or contributed anything to it at all.


Friends, before you institutionalize me, I know this sounds like something out of the x-files and I myself wouldn't believe it if it weren't happening to me. I may be currently on the enemy of the state watch-list and with the passage of this new bill, if it is signed into law, I genuinely fear for what happens next.

Spend time with your family. Prepare yourself for emergencies, just in case. Pay attention to the things that matter. I'd also recommend you do not snoop around like I did, but I'd hate to be a hypocrite.

I'd like to reiterate, for the record, I am not a threat, I am not affiliated with Anonymous, nor do I know anything further about them.